ohooo.. the is the continuous about my entry before.. about my new born 'anak sedare' a.k.a cats.. ekekee.. dunno what to say.. went i arrived home last night.. i entered straight away into my sista's room.. where she put all the cats... wah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i screamed.... 'comelnye.. comelnye..' uhuhuuu..
seriously.. mmg comel.. because there are still small maybe.. ehehee.. snow white really loves its' new born babies.. hehehee..
*kena cakap, org nak tengok je tau snow white.. baru nak kasik,haish!*
neway.. saya sangat sayang mereka...
*ye saya tahu saye alahan dengan mereka.. tapi mereka cute.. sabar je la.. ehehee..*
so.. just wanna let the pictures speak..
enjoy la yek! ehehee..
~this is mine! the sulong one.. its' name is QUEEN..~
~"ops.. maap.. nk mnum susu nie..". ehhee.. this is GOLDY, own by my cute little bro~
~hye.. my name is KORU.. the third.. own by my sista.. ehehe..~
~ape tengok-tengok.. ehehee..~
*2o sen 2o sen..*
camat menidurkan diri.. ehee..
*let's watch this.. ehehee..*
p/s:1. incik adzfar.. permintaan kamoo udah dilangsaikan.. puas hati..?? ehehehe...
2. kucing saya comelkan..? baik cakap ye.. kalau x..??
nota chenta: sayangilah mereka yang menyayangi kamoo..
~oh.saya sayang saya.eheheeee...~
*kena cakap, org nak tengok je tau snow white.. baru nak kasik,haish!*
neway.. saya sangat sayang mereka...
*ye saya tahu saye alahan dengan mereka.. tapi mereka cute.. sabar je la.. ehehee..*
so.. just wanna let the pictures speak..
enjoy la yek! ehehee..
~this is mine! the sulong one.. its' name is QUEEN..~
~"ops.. maap.. nk mnum susu nie..". ehhee.. this is GOLDY, own by my cute little bro~
~hye.. my name is KORU.. the third.. own by my sista.. ehehe..~
~ape tengok-tengok.. ehehee..~
*2o sen 2o sen..*
camat menidurkan diri.. ehee..
*let's watch this.. ehehee..*
p/s:1. incik adzfar.. permintaan kamoo udah dilangsaikan.. puas hati..?? ehehehe...
2. kucing saya comelkan..? baik cakap ye.. kalau x..??
nota chenta: sayangilah mereka yang menyayangi kamoo..
~oh.saya sayang saya.eheheeee...~
19 contengan readers:
i suka mak kucing tu. muka dia rare. hahahah!
ohoooooo... kamoo.. amik la die mahu.. tapi kena jumpa bapak i dulu.. ahahaa... die sayang bangat sama snow white itu.. ehehee...
comel comel. :)
ahaks, nama dia snow white ke? haha. macam fairy tale plak :P
ehehee.. kan kan kan..??
sep sep.. mmg comelll.. cm tuan die..
ohooo... yupp... mmm fairy habis lah! hahahhaaa... sbb die putih sgt... ekekekkee...
eleh, perasan comel macam tuan konon.. bluwekkkkkkk!
muahahahaaa... mmg la.. mmg comel je cat tu sama ngn tuan... jeles ckp la jeles... hahahaaa....
waaaaaa comelnye mereka!!!!
fit suke yg baby2 tu..
sebab dia kecik kot..hihi
x jeles punnnnnnn
ohoooo.. betul betul betull...
mmg sbb tecik! eheheee... kn..??
chomel sgt!!!
ohoooo.. nape cm nmpk merah thn marah je muke tu.???
ak mslhnye tkut ke bnda ni..cmpur ngn geli skit..
tp ak ske gok tgok klu hok come2..
hok porong2 tu xleh wat msuk mjlis..hehe
wah comelnye kucing tu...bele kat kolej ke..???heegegege
owh hohoho..
anak2 sedara kamoo amat cumil~
tp mama nye kaler putih..mane dtg kaler2 hitam oren sume tu? ehe cik sara shuke kucim itam..~
wah..mmg comel anak kucing tersebut.semoga hidup lame lah ye anak kucing tersebut
ehehheeee... betul betul betul.. akan kujaga kucing ini biar bersih..
eh! bkn daku.. my sista jaga.. muaaahahahaa..
*sy amt geli jika mereka kotor..*
::amir acap::
thanx kamoo.. ohooo.. xla... kt umah... balik nie.. muahahahaa..
::♥♥me ~ cik sara::
sara.. ehehee.. betul kan..?? mgkin bapaknye itam.. muahahaha...
tpikan... bapak die putih gakk.. ahahaha... oren tu sbb bdn die ade oren2 ciket je.. ehheee....
hitam itu menawan!
ohoo.. thanx again palie!!!
oh sperti memerli daku disitu.. ahahaha.. okes.. akn kuigt pesananmu itu.. xkan mati cm kucing dulu2.. uhuhuuuuu...
teh..kenape muka snow white macam kena tumbuk sbb kena paksa bagi susu..hish..germ tgk dia..jadi mak dah leni..
aaaa teh,bile lagi..ngeeeee
din.. muke die mmg kaler ori gitu.. gelap sebelah..lawak kn..?? hahaahaaa.. itu la pasl.. jdik mak dh.. uhuu.. tpi along nk gi kasi ekgi.. huhu.. cian die...
ohoooo... cepumas tue.. kakaka.. calon tidak ditemui... ade nt, pasti jadik... ahahhahaaa...
ishh kusheng la act saya sgtsgt tkt ngn kucing . hee sayang ajar saya pgg kucing tuhh ;D
dyann darl.. oh.. takut ea..?? bolebole... meh nk ajr.. pgg cm bby je.. ehheeeee..
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