hurm.. being quite a long time i didnt update my blog.. hahaha.. miss you la blog terchenta!
*WARNING.. many pictures..*
"clear pictures..? click aje atas pictures tu, besar lah.ehehee.."
"xsuke..?? sile alihkan cursor dan pangkah saje"
actually.. have nothing to tell.. just wanna rewind my memories here in uDm..
*ye saya tahu tak habis exam lagi.. ade seminggu lagi study kat uDm ni.. tapi, biala.. saya nak cite jugak!*
the most thing dat i'll never forget is of course my friends.. teslians.. after this.. dont lost contact yepp..???
miss me.. do contact me.. o13, o19, 017.. hahahaa..
find it yourself k..??
*opppss.. dont punch me for that!hee..*
..hugs.n.kisses to all..
~pictures speak...~~the girls.. spot me..~
~the only guys~
*till the ends do us apart*
and second things are.. my memories in practicum time..
::miss my students::
::miss the school::
::miss the teachers::
::miss all lah!::
~pictures speak again!!!~
;D::be in this class makes me feel like in the kindergarten::
::in this class sometimes i feel really stressed, but i do enjoy teaching them::
~they teach me,PATIENCE.~
"oh.who told you teaching english is easy..?"
it's hard.. but with patience.. you'll know how to manage the teaching..
*oh.teacher love you all*
will miss to teach arts too.. 1AA class..*rindu.rindu.rindu*
.also will miss to make all the teaching aids.
*one of my teaching aids*
what more yupp..?? oh my roommate! sis najat.. will miss her so much..
my other friends here.. nissa and hada...nissa and hada.
*mereka single.. phone no mahu..?*
gonna miss these..everyday my roommate and i will spend our time to them..
*kasik minum je..*
~love them lah! go green as well~
*what..?? good..?? hee.. i know lah!*
hurm.. overall.. i'll miss all the things here in uDm.. i learned a lot here.. about friends.. friendship.. enemy.. experience.. learning.. arabic.. happiness.. sadness.. futsal.. and whole lot more lah! am will never forget all those things around in my life.. all those things teach me a lot and makes me more mature..
*oh.pasti fatiha..??*
.will miss the project paper too.oh, sir Engku Suhaimi.. thank you.
p/s: setiap pertemuan pasti ade perpisahan.. tidak ada yang abadi melainkan kenangan bersama..
~and as for guys out there.. i'm sure u have your own sweet memories rite..??~
..share it with me then..
nota chenta: life is not always perfect as nobody is perfect.. so.. make full use of it.. learn from it..
*live life for the fullest!!!*
38 contengan readers:
huish panjangnya menaip :P
tieha final year kat udm eh?
huhuu... itu je mahu komen..?? pjg tau menaip.. haish!
sis.. yup.. kenapakah..??
em gonna miss these memories also..huhu..waaaaaaa
oh.. usah menangis.. cukuplah kita mendoakan kejayaan bersama.. agar dapt kite bertemu dgn jayanya bersama keluarga tercinta...
*oh.. skema pula*
tieha, si puteri mimpi..
oh,already miss my buddies in mjsc mersing lor..
then,my buddies in JAD which is in Japan right now..
n of course,my lovely friends in uitm..wargh..
xde kwn ni,lonely sungguh..hehe..
dah abis study?
wah tieha..kamu mngajar kat ane tu...hbatnye...hehehe
what happened ni?
dah banyak kali leave comment tapi tak dapat
dah abis study?
::nopx brightside::
ohoooo.. puteri mimpi sungguh..
kn..?? rindu kn kekwn.. hish!
oh..xde kwn..?? puteri mimpi ade utk menemani..ehehehee..
::lynn-the gudigudigurl::
ehehehee.. yeay.. nk hbis da lgi semingguu... lalalalallaa...
::amir acap::
oh.. thanx... di sekolah keb.tg. gelam.. kay tee...
tahukah...?? hehehee...
sekolah tepi pantai kelas C...
huhuuu.. tpi daku syg mereka!!!!!!!!
::lynn-the gudigudigurl::
ohoo.. maaf.. baru terima.. eheheee...
sekali lagi.. sudh hbis la..
jgn jeles.. ekekekekkee...
*muke comel je perli*
panjang.so.xyah komen pape od.
verani kamoo.. ehehee.. penat je tulis membuang mase.. kikiii....
ape od od..???
nie panjang menaip nie psl rewind nie nak lawan yan ko
'rindu tieha gak..' blog berkata..
haha..ermm beshnye tgk tieha pi skola seme tu..mcm enjoy sgt3..i never been to class..slalunye performance je klau g school tu..drama la, song la..so neva really hve d experience of being alone as a teacher in class..~
nway..sweet friendship..tgk gamabr2 tu seme..besh3
haish! lawan..?? oh tidak berniat begitu.. hahahaa... ketensionan membuatkan ia menjadi pjg..
*oh pjg kah..??*
xsedar la wei.. huhuu..
::♥♥me ~ cik sara::
hehehe.. thanx.. sara.. mmg best giler.... tpi xde la gile sgt..hahahaa.. mmg enjoy.. n suke lah! huhuu... being alone as a teacher is a great experience and feeling... huhuu...
oh.. mmg sweet semanis daku.. hahahaha... perasan je fatiha nie!
saya pown nak rindu jugak lah
ohoooo.. mahu rindu jugak..??
opsss... sile beratur dan tggulah giliran anda..ehehheee..
meh meh...merindu.. ahahahaa...
tieha, nanti da abes ni terus jadi teacher ey?
teacher tieha, teacher tieha!hihi:)
uits.. no lah.. baru hbis dip kot.. tieha igt nk smbg.. hop dpt intake july niie.. tp klu xdpt.. alamadnye be a part-time tcer lagi la...
kenangan yg mmg xley nk dilupakan..
memOri terindah..terbaikk!!!
::——•§HÃ…H••—— ::
shah.. sep sep.. mmg terbaik..huhuu..
Picture = 1000 words
::My name is: アンワル::
ohooooo.. anda pasti 1000 words..?? i guess moree.. hahahahaa...
;D wel.. neway... words speak louder than pictures.. hahahaha..
*tetbe daku menukar idioms*
~nah.hantuk kepala kamoo fatiha.. ehehehe...~
huhu tanyer boleh?
UDM tuh stand for wut?huhu
maapkan saya kerana saya budak buta IT... :-(
incik.. eheheee.. UDM tu universiti darul iman malaysia.. huhuu..
*tahu.. mesti kamoo mahu kate nape x UDI kn..??*
oh..sy pn xtahu nape..ehehehee..
kutza ek name lame dia?
ic ic... :-P
incik..yup.. kusza la tu..
tahu da kn...?? huhu.. sy tahu mmg xfemes UDM tu..muahahaaa...
ala ok wut...
yang pentingnya kita dapat menuntut ilmu je kan...
tak kisah la kat mane pun... :-)
betoi teacher?
ohooo.. stuju ngn kamoo.. ye la betul betul betull...
ehehee.. teacher..?? oh suda lame xdgr perkataan itu dari stdents daku... ehehhehee...
mmg betul la tu incik!!
..d end of a chpter in ur life..a new chpter beckons..may u cherish ur moments in udm..
yup..agreed with u.. end of a great chapter in my life at udm.. feel worried to go on.. but, life must still go on rite..? i'll cherish mine.. thanx...
mcm best gak jd cekgu kan?
tp x minat lah..
::Amizah Azid::
eheheee.. trust me..best bangat.. cume kena byk sbr.. cause stdents skng da naik kepala.. hish!
minat boleh bercambah..lalallaa..
silelah tmbh bilangan chekgu...
wahh comel ngn kamu dgn kanak kanak riang tuh sayang . hee damnn i miss you muchmuch ! ;)
oh.. ehehe.. thanx.. tgk la sape tcer mereka... ngeeeee...
oh. miss u damn much too!!!!
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